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Razorcake #118 (Nov 2020)

Razorcake #118 (Nov 2020)

Regular price $4.00 CAD

Razorcake 118, featuring Soul Glo, One Punk’s Guide to Black Musicians, Sweet Reaper, Tim Kinsella, and Penelope Houston

Cover by Salpy Talian
Photo by Skylar Watkins

Soul Glo: Interview by James Spooner and Chris Terry

One Punk’s Guide to Black Musicians by Sophia Zarders

Sweet Reaper: Interview by Rosie Gonce

Tim Kinsella: Interview by Kurt Morris

Penelope Houston: Interview by Michael T. Fournier

Donna Ramone takes one dog a day for loneliness. (instagram)

Jim Ruland, unembarrassed, uses the word hanky-panky while talking about James Joyce. (instagram, website, twitter)

Bianca runs away from the generic anger.

Sean Carswell places the fate of the world in a hamburger bun. (instagram)

Rev. Nørb wants to riot and the search results are not promising. (instagram, website)

Puro Pinche Poetry: Gritos Del Barrio (Edited by Ever Velasquez (instagram) and Eugenia Nicole (instagram)


“Remember when you were young
in a hot kitchen full of women
and someone laughed
crow black hard like a planet
was on fire in her mouth
and suddenly all the women were
laughing with knowing eyes that held ruby sisterhood secrets
and babies sliding from bodies like stars caught in spun silk.”
Shonda Buchanan

Jamaica Dyer
therapeutically rips up the past. (instagram)

Ben Snakepit, on his 100th column, says his farewells. (instagram)

Rhythm Chicken and the unrequited love for the unrequested whatever. (instagram)

Art Fuentes votes against the slobbering swine. (instagram, twitter)

Designated Dale separates his laundry and questions the patriarchy.

And photos and illustrations from the lovely and talented:

Chris Boarts Larson (instagram, facebook, website)

Rachel Murray Framingheddu
(instagram, website)

Leah Norwood (instagram, website)

This issue is dedicated to the memory of Breonna Taylor

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