The Sainte Catherines - Fire Works cd
CD from Big Ugly Fish (UK)
"If you liked dancing for decadence, I think this album respectfully demands enough of your patience to peel back the first layer, and find a band that's progressed further than we probably thought possible." -Sentimental Johnny and Jimmy here don't sugar coat his reviews
"Attempts at such a thing as this often go horribly awry, but these guys lay down a very nice mix of Leatherface-tinged poppy punk, tuneful oi, and big guitar rock. Singer has that "battery acid with a handful of broken glass chaser" type of vocals, but he manages to sing in key and sneaks in a bit of pathos into the delivery of personal lyrics. Good, good work here." äóñJimmy Alvarado/razorcake (Anchorless)
1- We Used To Be In Love* 2- Better Like This 3- BLR vs Cancer (Fuck Off Cancer Song) 4- D'You Guys Wanna Fuckin' Party After This? No. 5- Chub-E & Hank III / Vimont Stories Part II 6- So Long & Thanks For Nothing 7- Back to the basement that I love 8- Maggie & Dave 9- No Friends 10- Headliners Don't Load (But They Kill Cops) 11- The Great Somewhere Else 12- I'll Miss The Boys 13- Reinventing Ron Hextall (I Don't Want To Say Goodbye)